When can higher staff turnover benefit your business?

When can higher staff turnover benefit your business?

Traditionally, low staff turnover has been considered positive in business, the idea being that the longer an employee remains with one firm, the more loyal and trustworthy they will become.

However, there has been a definite shift in recent years in this way of thinking and many business analysts now believe that long-serving staff might not always bring the benefits you expect, especially where enthusiasm is concerned.

Paul Kemp, Managing Director of StaffBank, an experienced recruitment firm in East Anglia commented: “Some businesses rely heavily upon the personal skills and abilities of their employees to create new business and maintain current custom. If your employees attitude doesn’t meet the expectations of your customers, then there is a chance that they could look elsewhere”.

Researchers are now saying that employers should be wary of retaining more than 15% of a workforce in their job for more than five years. This is because evidence suggests that after five years, up to 10% of staff prematurely retire from their job making them less productive over that period and also somewhat reticent to change their mindset towards the job.

It’s nice to feel comfortable and familiar in your place of work but if later down the line your staff lose passion and interest in the service they are providing, this is not good news for your profits.

To be a successful businesses, you need to constantly innovate and offer fresh services to keep your staff motivated and keep your business ahead of the competition.