Lawyers: Are You Willing to Pay the Price for Downtime? 

Lawyers: Are You Willing to Pay the Price for Downtime? 

Lawyers or law firms typically charge by the hour, so any disruption to workflow is likely to have an unwanted cost implication. Unplanned downtime, where systems crash, or servers become unavailable, can have far reaching implications for law firms.

It’s not just about the money: because trust is such a vital issue between a lawyer, his firm and its’ clients, any loss of data could have devastating reputational repercussions.

Business Aspects Magazine spoke with Carl Enser, Director at Delta Comtech who are IT support experts and specialise in looking after Law firms.

Carl said: “All businesses are different, but downtime is the one thing they all have in common. As Managed Service Providers (MSP) of IT systems, should we have the responsibility of providing basic education about security risks?”.

He added: “Ultimately, as technology professionals, our responsibility is to come up with ways to prevent downtime occurring.”

In an evolving IT landscape, it is reported 90% of UK businesses do not have adequate data protection solutions or invest the resources to prevent unplanned downtime. Recent reports suggest that UK businesses lose £10.5 billion per year due to data loss and downtime. The global figure is $1.7 trillion.

Legal professionals need to have business continuity procedures and data recovery processes established in the workplace to minimise the risks posed by unplanned downtime.

Law firms have to be able to maintain relationships with their clients based on trust. Similarly, the relationship with their IT provider should be one where they have full confidence in them, in the knowledge that they will be protected against data loss or inaccessibility through downtime.


Business Aspects Magazine would like to thank Carl Enser for his contribution to this article.

If you would like to know more about eliminating the threat of downtime at your firm, please contact Carl Enser at  or call 01625 443110