Cyber security frequently hits the headlines. The 2016 UK Government Cyber Security Breaches Survey reports that a quarter of large firms are being threatened with cyber breaches at least once a month. It also says that two-thirds of big UK businesses have been hit by a cyber attack in the past year.
There are many providers of IT security services out there, but the robustness of IT systems and software is only a part of the story. A full business security health check looks at cyber security in the wider context of a business’s entire set-up.
Doctor, Please
A medical health check involves a sophisticated examination of your vital functions. It involves a number of different questions and tests. The idea is to get a clear, full picture of your medical condition. If, for example, your doctor only concentrated on one area of your health and neglected to examine the others and how they all interacted, then your health check would be incomplete.
“A security health check for a business is called this for a good reason,” Nick Holden, of Merseyside-based, explains. “This is because it involves looking at the whole business from a security viewpoint.”
Nick sees this holistic approach as being crucial in establishing firm, preventative and lasting security measures.
“People are a very important part of any solution, as is physical security because most cybercrime is socially engineered,” Nick points out. “It is people getting into businesses through the back door, or striking from within, if they’re disgruntled employees for example.”
Protecting Assets
Businesses that grow – expanding into new markets, for example – will experience a corresponding increase in their potential vulnerability if their security is not up to scratch.
“Companies can find that as they expand, they haven’t got the resources in place to protect their assets,” Nick observes. “This is not simply to do with firewalls or other software protection. It’s about establishing firm policies and procedures, including the management of people, to ensure the right level of security expertise in a company’s growth period.”
The importance of a full business security health check cannot be underestimated. Nick Holden provides a professional support service that acts in partnership with businesses to develop their security infrastructures, going beyond IT into a thorough procedural approach.
“A business has to have systems in place that are safe, secure and sustainable,” Nick concludes. “Full security requires proper training, systematic reviews and regular aftercare. It’s about reducing risk to protect yourself.”
To discover the options for reducing risk in your business please call NexusProtect on 08454 631072 or visit