We’ve all heard the phrase “it’s lonely at the top”, and in 2020 chief executives have faced unparalleled pressure from issues such as the coronavirus pandemic and Brexit.
So how are today’s leaders coping with trying to keep businesses afloat in these unprecedented times? The truth is, we don’t know as there has been precious little research into the state of affairs in boardrooms.
Organisational Demands
“Today’s chief executives are under attack from all sides,” says Ameena Ahmed, Director at Direct Path Consulting.
“Whether it’s shareholders or cashflow, the day-to-day demands of running a large organisation can be immense.”
“Without peer support, problems can become overwhelming, which is why sharing and receiving feedback and advice can prove invaluable to both the individual and the business concerned”
Ameena Ahmed Director, Direct Path Consulting
While many businesses employ business coaches, this approach does not suit everyone and is not enough to create sustainable growth.
Coaches often focus on the individual, but can lack the industry experience to tackle issues in the business.
In these situations, a peer advisory group can be a more productive solution.
What is a Peer Advisory Group?
Meeting in a confidential environment allows fellow chief executives to gain diverse, objective perspectives from peers, chairs and speakers.
“Rather than being centred around socialising or business networking, peer advisory groups are focused on helping members to get things accomplished and to move their business forward,” explains Ameena.
“The aim is to have a proprietary decision support system to provide clarity for decision-making.”
“It’s still a human world where integrity, experience and relationships matter,” Ameena continues.
“We’re here to connect the most successful executives so that — together — we can share expertise, challenge one another to think critically and arrive at better decisions.
“Through this ongoing collaboration, we build life-long leadership excellence that elevates companies, strengthens communities, delivers meaningful results and fosters sustainable growth”
“Rather than being lonely at the top, be in good company among a collaborative group of leaders who are seeking measurable transformation in a safe environment.”
“Gain the courage and confidence to make bold, decisive moves to empower your organisation for higher performance,” advises Ameena.
About Direct Path Consulting Ltd
“Direct Path is a boutique CEO coaching and peer advisory organisation for small and mid-size businesses,” states Ameena.
“High-performing CEOs join the groups because they want to connect with other like-minded CEOs through a trusted, proven and life-long leadership experience that delivers results both personally and professionally.”
“It’s where leaders get the perspective, clarity and support to make the decisions that will make a difference,” concludes Ameena.
Direct Path helps CEOs, business owners and key executives solve their greatest challenges. To discover how you can get involved, please contact Ameena Ahmed.