Tag: fleet management, insolvency, Mikki v Duncan, Paul Daine, personal insolvency, Personal Insolvency Act, Premium Collections
Is Personal Insolvency a Headache for Fleet Managers?
Personal insolvency has consequences that can be far reaching in its impact on employers, leaving them facing difficult, unexpected issues....
Can Changing Tyres Cost Fleets Dearly?
Tyres are the parts of a vehicle in direct contact with the road, so it follows that they have a vital role to play in vehicle safety....
Fleet Managers: Are You Prepared for Safer Winter Tyres?
For many European drivers, changing to winter tyres is second nature, but in the UK, it is still something that many people are undecided...
Is Low Tyre Pressure a Priority for Fleets?
An AA Populus poll revealed that in 2015, nearly a third of UK accidents, where vehicle defects were a contributory factor, involved low...
Will Clean Air Zones Affect Future Fleet Business?
The UK Government’s air quality plan is controversial. It is inflaming opinion from different sides. Environmental lawyers are accusing...
Fleet Managers: How Important is Preventative Maintenance?
Fleet Managers need to maximise fleet performance and vehicle availability. One key way to do this is to undertake preventative...
How Can Telematics Aid Effective Fleet Management?
Telematics are a well-established means for recording data about vehicles. Principally, their location and how long they have taken to...
Fleet Managers: Should You Be Reliant on Diesel?
Corporate vehicle fleets in the UK currently rely on diesel fuel to power 86% of their vehicles on average, according to Arval’s 2016...
Which Fuel is Good For Your Fleet?
Volkswagen and diesel engines did not have a great 2015. But has the scandal left some fleet managers wondering whether it may be time to...
Fleet Managers: Keep Your Business Moving During Winter
No business, charity or other organisation running a vehicle fleet wants to spend money unnecessarily. By using funds wisely, in certain...