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When does a hobby or side hustle become a business?

Do you have a hobby or side hustle which is starting to earn you some extra income? Before you start spending the money, have you...

HMRC investigation: don’t panic, read our essential guide

The words ‘HMRC investigation’ are enough to make the heart of every business owner miss a beat. Your mind conjures up images of men in...

Everything you need to know about SEISS — the self-employment grant

Self-employed workers are celebrating the Chancellor’s decision to extend the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS), meaning more...

limited company set up

Do Business Benefits Justify Setting up a Limited Company?

Businesses come in all shapes and sizes, but while being a sole trader can be very straightforward, there are clear business benefits to...

negotiation skills

Do Contractors Need to Master Negotiation Skills?

Being a contractor involves being in competition with others bidding for new roles. While, on paper, you might have a wealth of experience...

contractors small print

Are Contractors Missing the Point With Small Print?

Whereas IR35 can be a critical issue for contractors when signing on the dotted line, it is not the only thing they must consider. Mike...