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financial planning business critical

Why is Financial Planning Business Critical? An Interview With Philip Clegg

Reports from a variety of sources reveal a startling level of ignorance when it comes to people’s knowledge about pensions and financial...

Sarah Samuels

What is the Human Value of Corporate Art? Interview with Sarah Samuels

Art in the workplace serves more functions than simply being decorative. Various research has demonstrated that art works to reduce stress,...

concierge service offering quality of having time

Concierge Service: Is Time More Valuable Than Money?

There’s never enough time. We all lead busy lives and, to an extent, technology has made us more time-poor, rather than less.  Look at...

Who is Responsible for Your Employees’ Financial Education?

Your staff come into work and they get paid.  What could be simpler? Obviously, there is more to it than this. Employers have a duty of...

mental health and workplace stress

Workplace Stress: How Can Protecting Children Help?

Illness is a great leveller.  Not just in who it impacts on directly, but in how it sends out ripples of stress, which can have lingering...

stress and productivity

Productivity: How Can Your Business Improve It?

In November 2016, the Office for Budget Responsibility revised the UK’s growth estimates for the next five years. It warned of greater...

stress impacts on productivity

How Can Parenting Demands Damage Productivity?

According to research by Pushdoctor.co.uk, almost three million working days are lost each year due to parents having to care for their...

workplace stress

Why Does Workplace Stress Mean Risky Business?

Stress is bad for individuals, affecting both their work and home lives. It can be insidious, creeping up on its victims, undetected, and...


Hidden Stress: Can You See the Bigger Picture?

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) identifies stress as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of...