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How your exit affects business value

Could Your Exit be Detrimental to Your Business Value?

Company owners pour their heart, soul and cash into the business they have created. But what happens when they leave? Whether it is...

Christiane Hutchinson Biramis Management Partners

Does More Business Really Mean More Value? Interview with Biramis

Many companies point to growth as a measure of their success.   While they spend time trying to grow the business and making it...

retirement fear when selling your business

Is Retirement Fear an Obstacle to Selling Your Business?

Everyone has fears and sometimes these fears can prevent them from taking the action they need to reach their goals. This can apply to...

selling a business

Selling a Business? What is Your Strategy?

When is the right time for a selling a business?  The answer is simple: when it is worth the most money. However, the issue here is that,...

selling your business - man reflecting

Selling Your Business: Why is Timing Crucial?

In his 1977 memoir about the Vietnam war, Dispatches, Michael Herr describes how the longer you serve, the greater your risk of being...

business structure

How Can Structural Diversity Affect Your Business Value?

A Business can develop certain structural weaknesses that leaves it potentially vulnerable. Structural weaknesses can arise from an...