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poor communications leading to increased business risk

Could Your Poor Communications Increase Business Risk?

In the age of remote working, communication is more important than ever. For Nick Holden, Managing Director of NexusProtect, poor...


Differentiation: Can You Really Sell Your Kind of Different?

Every day the world becomes a smaller place. Those of us who are not physically connecting to other parts of the world through our travel...

business networkers

13 Types of Business Networkers That You Ought to Avoid

We’ve all heard of the traditional social classes – upper, middle and lower, which were broken down even further into seven classes,...

business communication

Is Your Business Communication Fit for the Future?

There are set to be over 4 billion email users globally in 2021. It is a widely successful messaging system, but can it meet the growing...

business growth

Is Business Growth Putting you at Risk?

There is constant pressure for business growth and expansion, and the entrepreneurial mindset fuels this. However, businesses undergo...

written content - laptop

Can Written Content Improve Your Business?

Content comes in many forms.  From online videos, in live or animated formats, to images and infographics.  And audio content in the form...

marketing communication

How Can Marketing Miscommunication Ruin Your Sales?

Just because you can measure something, does not make it useful. Lots of businesses view digital marketing and the internet as an undefined...

marketing business exhibition

What is the Marketing Power of Business Exhibitions?

There are companies who choose not to exhibit at business exhibitions, as part of their marketing mix.  Are they missing a trick?...

language learning

Can Language Learning Fix the UK’s Skills Deficit?

An annual CBI survey reveals that an increasing number of UK employers are worried that they will be unable to recruit enough highly...

David Lomas public speaking

Public Speaking and the Power of Presence

Many people are now familiar with the Sapling Foundation’s TED Talks, available to a worldwide audience online. What TED events have...